Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sweet girl

Lilia's sleep schedule has been off lately. She's been waking up early and I have no idea when to put her down for a nap. She the kind of kid that's go, go, go and rarely shows you signs that she's tired. I had to go to Carrefor this morning before tutoring so I took the chance that we'd make it. I thought, 'Oh, we'll only be an hour total.' Well I underestimated my shopping trip by a half an hour! Poor sweet Lilia fell asleep on the way home with her shovel in hand that she insisted on bringing. I guess the slow smooth ride of the bike put her right out. I was even able to bring her in the house, take off her shoes, hat, scarf and coat without her waking!!! I don't think that's EVER happened. Hopefully she'll be out for a bit and I can relax.