Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

 Lilia is SO patient! She waited a good half an hour before Alex woke up to open presents.

Merry Christmas from the Brindley Family!

 I know this picture is blurry, but I couldn't delete it. The kids each spent their own chore money of gifts for one another. They were so happy after opening their gifts. They gave one another a hug and said thank you to each other.

Matt, AnnMarie, Ellie (left), Olivia (right).
AnnMarie is due with twin girls in February, but she will give birth some time in January.

This Christmas was a bit lonlyer than past ones. Traditionally Dave's parents come to my parents house and we all have Christmas dinner together. Well the Brindley's are in CO. for good so my mom invited Tony and Patti over to join us. In the spring I asked Tony if he would make me a garden bench.  
 Dave and I went out for a walk Christmas day. As we were coming back down the street I saw this bench sitting next to my car. From about 5 houses up I saw it and started running. I couldn't believe it! It was beautiful! It is so rustic, think and perfect. I hugged Tony with tears in my eyes. What a beautiful gift! I never imagined it would look like this. I decided it is too nice and it is now in the kitchen at the table. It's perfect!

Three generations

Ellie (almost 2 1/2 yrs old) always has such a big smile on her face. She came over to me and asked, "Where's Uncle Dave?" Uncle Dave put on some silly antlers and they sat together. Ellie is such a sweet heart!

Friday, December 27, 2013

English Class

     So both Dave and I have the same job. It looks different for each of us - at least it does after having children. We are technically missionaries. We work for Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ.) We worked at West Chester University, our alma matter, for 4 years. Then we went overseas for a year with Cru. After coming home from a very difficult year we switched lanes from traditional American undergrads to working with international students who come to America to study. So we still work for Cru, but now we work for a division of them called Bridges. It's such a perfect fit for us; especially Dave. He's doing what he's made for!
     I had such an incredible summer taking seminary classes in Colorado. I loved everything I was learning! This summer I began praying how God would use me this semester (fall 2013).
     Lilia goes to The City School with five Chinese Christian kids. All of them had come to her birthday party in March including some of the parents. One of the moms, Shiqiong (shir-chi-ong), saw me do a craft with the kids. She was impressed with how I "taught" the kids as we went along. Well she asked me at the beginning of the school year if I would teach English to the children and moms of visiting scholars. A visiting scholar may be a doctor or a professor in their country and they come here to do research and learn from how we do things in America.
     As far as teaching, things were really silent on Shiqiong's end for a while. She knows the needs of the Chinese community. Whether Christian or not, the Chinese hang around and know one another. Just before Thanksgiving she asked me again and we worked out the details. My first class was just after Thanksgiving. We had 5 kids and Lilia and Alex came to work with me to help the kids. It's totally free and my goal is to also help the moms with their English.
     We have only had 3 classes, but our last one was a week before Christmas. I went to the $1 store and found some awesome books. Of the three kids who came two of them are in Kindergarten and the other is in first grade. So I wrapped these up as presents, brought in a table top fake tree and we played a game. We played "freeze dance." When someone won a round they got to pick a present. I made sure everyone won.

We talked about the Christmas story in a very simple way. Then we filled out a coloring sheet where they had to label the pictures. Mary, Joseph, lamb, Jesus, manger, staff, star, etc.
I had them sound out some of the letters/words and they had to write them on their own paper.
I love teaching. I did get a degree in Elem. Edu at West Chester. However, outside of student teaching, Sunday school and now this, I've never taught a day in my life. It just comes natural to me. I teach my kids when I interact with them, when we hike and when Alex helps me cook. I'm so excited about how God wants to use me this semester, and next. And Lilia is an excellent helper. She is a natural teacher. I let her explain a game or check the kids work. She loves it. She would want to run the whole class if I let her!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Alex's Christmas Quotes of the evening

Picture the scene:
We are in church, it's Christmas Eve. We had brought things for the kids to do, but they are already bored with them. The service is short, only an hour, and it's time for a short message from the pastor.
Tuck stands up front and begins to ask the kids in the audience questions about Christmas.
Keep in mind, there are only about 50 or so people in church. Most people are out of town visiting family. Also note that the pastor and his wife know us well. We've been going there for about 4 years and have been involved early on.

"What are we celebrating on Christmas Eve?" asks Tuck our pastor.
"Presents!" shouts Alex.

"What present are we celebrating?" asks Tuck.
"Me!" shouts Alex

"Was it a good time for Mary to be traveling?"
"No," says Alex and many other children.
"Why not?"
"Because it was cold." again shouts Alex.

Laughter, laughter, and more laughter ensue with each response Alex gives.
I had to write down what he said because it was just so funny.
One day, Alex, you will read this and laugh so hard at your four year old answers to one of the greatest stories ever told.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Alex's Holiday Concert

 One of my kids loves the stage, the other gets stage fright. I'm pretty sure you could guess who is who.
Tuesday morning Alex sung at his preschool's holiday concert. That morning Dave and I were getting him excited for it by quoting lines from Elf. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." Alex was self-conscious about his singing. Again we quoted Elf, "Any one can sing. I'm in a store and I'm singing!"
None of that worked when he walked through the door to the sanctuary. He burst into tears. I quick run up and gave him Stinky Bear. Honestly, what would he do without that bear!
 This picture is of Alex looking on to his music teacher to see what the motions were.
He knew all the songs, he had been singing them around the house for weeks. I had asked him which were his favorite and he had two favorites.
Alex began to warm up and slowly let the bear hang to his side while he sung along. He kept looking at us and we would wave, smile big and give a thumbs up.

I love the picture above. He would not put down that bear so Stinky did all the motions to the songs too.

By the end he was smiling.

Afterwards Dave and I told him how proud we were of him. He did have the option of sitting with us, but he didn't. He stayed up there, toughed it out and warmed up enough to enjoy the songs. We are so proud of our little man for persevering!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Goodbye 22 W Greenhill Road

A very empty family room
I have known the Brindley family for over 13 years now. I had the uniquely wonderful privilege of getting to know my (future) in-laws while Dave was overseas for a year after college. I would have dinner and even sleep over every now and then. Dave and I have been married for just over 11 years. We have so many fun, and wonderful memories wrapped up in his parent's house.
Al and Marilyn are currently Colorado bound. They are moving there, permanently. Dave's middle sister Julie and her husband Pete live near Co Springs. They had a fun and adorable baby girl, Blake in October. Julie is a teacher and needs Marilyn to watch the baby the couple days she goes back to work. Despite the sadness of loosing the best in-laws, wonderful grandparents, and the kids BAFF (best animal friend forever), I'm really happy for them. I'm especially happy for Marilyn - she will finally have time to call her own. She has worked so hard, and too many hours for too many years. I know this is a much needed break for her to have time to spend with Blake, work on needle point projects, and just slow down.

Dave and I helped his parents pack up and clean the house and on Monday, December 16th they officially left. It's not sold yet, but there will be someone to watch over the house until it does.
What I really love about this picture is Lily, the dog, at the door in the background. It's captures so many years of arriving with her greeting us.
I am really thankful that we have a conference with Cru every other summer in Colorado. It gives us just one more opportunity to make sure we spend time with them as well at Pete, Julie and Blake.

The kids are super attached to the dog, Lily. (especially Lilia) As a sort of parting gift/ease the hurt we inherited their cat Kegs. (Named after Karen and her 3 friends who found the cat - each letter is their first initial.) The past two nights Lilia has been staring at the framed photo of her and Lily by her bed and crying herself to sleep. I try to comfort her, reminding her that we have Kegs. It does help, which I'm thankful for. She asks, "Kegs is a part of our family right?" "Of course," I remind her.

Oh - when Al and Marilyn told the kids they were going to take home Kegs forever, they screamed with excitement. Alex especially loves cats. He exclaimed, "I can't believe it! This is a dream come true!"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Snow Day!

 Alex has been asking for it to snow. He was so thrilled that it had snowed on Sunday and again on Tuesday he said, "God heard me say that and gave us lots and lots of snow." Kids are so cute!
It's amazing how much changes in a year. Last year Alex would not even step foot in the snow. This year he was out the whole time Lilia was out, and she really loves that snow! I think they had the most fun eating snow.

Lilia's Quote of the Day

Lilia saw this picture I drew (it's not that great) and said, "Wow mom, you're talented. If you ever get laid off you could be an artist or an art teacher or something like that."

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Birthdays and Sprained Ankles

 Last weekend we celebrated my dad's birthday.
The whole family gathered for dinner, singing and cake. All the kids and grandkids were there, which I know for my dad meant a lot.
Lilia, Alex & Ellie ran around having the best time together! I love when they get to play with their cousins!

Matt & AnnMarie

Alex's swollen ankle

At some point on Saturday Alex sprained his ankle. He never complained and we didn't notice until Sunday afternoon when he was limping around the house.
All day Monday I babied him by carrying him around, and getting him whatever he needed. We did have to go food shopping so I propped him nicely in the cart, keeping it elevated.
It's amazing how quickly kids heal! I think the epsom salt soaks helped to aid the swift healing.

Christmas Tradition

 For as long as I can remember we would cut down our tree growing up. My parents still love to cut their own tree and we love to make it a family tradition too.
This year, Lilia had a fever and couldn't go. Instead her and Dave stayed back and bonded over a tv show about dog breeds. They both loved the time together.
So Alex, myself and my mom & dad hopped in the car and headed to Bob White Acres.

My mom asked Alex, "Do you want to help Poppy cut down the tree?"
Alex replied, "No. I just want to watch so I know what to do when I'm a dad."