Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Eve's Eve

It's Christmas Eve Eve and I don't have all my presents wrapped. In fact I just bought my last gift this morning! I'm usually never this last minute. (Sorry if this makes all you last minute shoppers feel bad.)
Tonight we have a fun celebration at a friends house. It's bring your own hot chocolate mug and we'll sing songs, eat good food and hang out.
For Christmas Eve I have no idea what we're doing! It's weird to maybe not go to church. We'll see what we dream by the fire. We'll face unafraid, the plans that we made. Walkin' in a winter wonderland.
Oh, and the weather...super cold. As I've heard though, this is a spring day in the park compared to what you all are experiencing. Yesterday here it was in the low 30's and today is in the low 40's. There is ice on the pond in our complex! I guess that mother nature heard it was the first day of winter and decided to get her butt in gear. Gee thanks mother nature!