Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A culteral thing

Something here that gets to me is how all the grandmother's give their opinion about how Lilia is dressed. Come first signs of fall everyone starts wearing long underwear. Then as the months get colder they put on more and more layers. Well especially with kids they are sure to tell you that she's not wearing enough! Today is so nice out, maybe the the 60's. Lilia has on tights under her pants. Then she has a long sleeve shirt, a zip up sweatshirt over that and then I put a light jacket on her. Well one grandmother felt her jacket then pointed to her grandchild's sweater. As if to say, "look she's wearing a sweater, that jacket isn't warm enough." I don't hear these opinion every day, but some days when many people give me their opinion, it gets under my skin. I guess I just care too much of what they think.