Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking local news...

So get this...there is this construction sight out our balcony. It's so ugly and when we had the windows open it let so much dirt in. Plus at times they have worked for 24 hours straight several days in a row. We don't totally hear it; it's background noise. Every once in a while you hear it.
Anyway, the news is they are building a power plant. The complex we live in has over 10 buildings, with anywhere from 12-30 floors. Some of these apartments can cost anywhere from $300,000 - $700,000. And that's US dollars!!! So earlier this week there were protesters (crazy thing for this country). The construction sight hired military guys to protect the workers.
Dave and I saw all these guys, at least 50, lined up against the wall with camouflage outerwear and orange hard hats. We had no idea what was going on. We thought maybe the workers were suspended or something. This morning my friend told me that they are the military guys. It rained all day so neither protesters nor military men were around, but wow. And all this in our own back yard! Don't worry moms, we're safe!