Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lilia is becoming totally Asian and we've only been here 2 months! So far she's got down some of the language. She can say the words for younger sister, older sister, younger brother & older brother. We also taught her the phrase "bu yao" (pronounced boo yow). It's funny because it the phrase that you use to all of the annoying people that want to sell you bags, watches, DVD's, IP basically means I don't want it and literally means "no want". You use it a lot, especailly in the touristy areas. Another thing that makes her a little more Asian is that she loves this mascot for an upcoming event that is all over our city. The mascots are these huge stautes and she always wants to stand on them. One time she made Dave give the mascot a drink from her water bottle. We got her a doll yesterday and it's her favorite. She also answers the play cell phone with "hi" and recently she says it the Asian way, which is "wei" (pronounced way). It's so cute.