Hot pot is a very traditional Chinese dish. I NEVER once thought I would have hot pot in my own home, but June & Fei brought absolutely everything we needed to enjoy a hot lunch.
So the idea of hot pot is this; you plug in a pot and add a soup broth with spices, fresh garlic and some hot water. This comes to a boil and you add meats and vegetables that cook in the broth. Everyone pulls out what they like and eat it. You keep adding more once much is eaten. Fei told me that this type of meal is very popular in the winter. A large group of people can sit and dine for hours and hours.
Dave spent the morning at the art museum and then joined us for lunch. We got to talking about art, then I brought out one of my favorite books, Akianne (pronounced "Ah-key-ah-na." It's Russian for ocean. Check out her website and her incredible art here. We got to to talking about God and I asked them what they thought about God. June and Fei both shared their thoughts. I loved that they were honest with me. Then they asked me if I grew up always believing in God. I then had a chance to share how I wasn't always a Christian. I shared my story of hating church growing up and how a high-school friend invited me to her church that was so alive. I loved it. So over hot pot and oolong tea we talk, listened to one another, and I tried to answer their questions. It was a great day! The kids joined in at times; Lilia chimed in here and there. We left them with a book of a Chinese scientist that searched out the claims of Christianity and became a Christian. Only prayer and time will cause their hearts to change. Fei said after our conversation that she didn't have any questions before, but now that she knows more about Christianity she has a lot of questions.
You can barely see it because it's clear, but Alex is slurping a huge noodle. The kids were finally brave enough to try some of the food.
sounds like a great day....