Thursday, September 6, 2012


 Lilia loves school! I'm SOOO thankful.
She comes home each day exhausted, hungry and happy. She's excited to go again the next day. It's wonderful.
On mine and Alex's end it's kinda strange. I like it, but it's more lonesome. I know school is the absolute best for her. She's outgoing, smart, likes learning and she's high-energy.
It's just weird filling in the day with Alex. I really love the one-on-one time I get with him. Our relationship needs it. He's been a really tough kid since he was born. Only in the last couple of months do I see that changing. He still requires Mother Teresea-type patience. I'm certainly not there yet, but I'm getting much better with him.
Lilia's favorite part about school is when daddy takes her there on his bike. It's a win, win! I don't have to leave the house by 7:50 and she loves the bike. Dave ordered a basket so they don't have to carry their bags on their laps.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that school is working out for Lilia that is wonderful praise the Lord!!! I can only imagine that it would feel lonesome without her around.
