Monday, April 2, 2012

The perfect weekend

Dave and I just finished the perfect weekend.
We are spoiled by parents who live close by and love taking the grandkids for the weekend. Wow, it's such a blessing to us!
Following Dave's usual style, we ventured into Philly to try some place new.
Ultimo Coffee. Wow, now this place was a seriously amazing coffee shop. And I'm a tea drinker. (Their tea was just ok, but the atmosphere was an 11 on a 1-10 scale.)
We sat for hours studying the Bible, sipping our hot beverages. It was glorious.
If you notice the picture at the bottom of this post, it's how they brew your coffee. They place a filter in a cup, pour the grounds in, pour hot water over the grounds and it steeps into your cup. Ok, wow. Now that's cool!
Side note not about coffee: For Dave and I it always takes a weekend alone to remember that we love each other and that we're on the same team. It's like we fall in love all over again! There's no one nagging you or clawing for your attention while you're trying to have a conversation. It's weekends like the one we just had that are so clutch in keeping our marriage strong. So thank you Al & Marilyn, and Bob & Linda for helping to facilitate that. Thank you.
This is their process for individually brewing your coffee. (WHOA!)

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