Monday, April 30, 2012

Growin' up

Alex is growing up. For a week now, he's been sleeping in a bed. Right now it's just a mattress on the floor in his room, but he loves it. Not only does he love that bed, but he also loves Lilia's bed. The two of them sleep in the same bed almost every night now. It's the cutest thing! They switch on and off. Some nights they sleep in Lilia's double bed. Other nights, like tonight they are crammed in Alex's twin bed. They love it and won't have it any other way! Lilia can "read" (by read, I mean memorize) two books and so she "reads" to Alex. I have to go in and turn out the lights to get them to go to sleep.

Lilia is growing up. We know where she's going for Kindergarten. Next year she will go to Spruce Hill Christian school. We knew she had been accepted months ago; we were just waiting on the financial aid information to make a decision. The paperwork came back and they are going to pay for 56% of her tuition!
Dave and I were both very happy. We both agree that it will be a good place for her to transition into Kindergarten. Right now she's only going to school 3 days a week for about 2.5 hours. All Philly schools are full day, so it will be a big adjustment for her.
I never in a million years thought I would send any of my kids to a Christian school. I like the idea of the public school equipping her to interact with the world, while at home and at church she is equipped with how to show the love of Christ to the people she interacts with. We really can't ever say "never" to God. He usually breaks that down, patiently and lovingly. Since we live in the city, there aren't a lot of good options and Spruce Hill seems like a great one. Dave and I are excited for her to experience her first year of school at Spruce Hill.

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