Monday, September 12, 2011


Tonight I met Lilia's teacher. Lilia is starting her second year of preschool at Overbrook Preschool, which I am super pleased with. It's a really wonderful school. Her teacher is originally from Greece and has been in the country for 20 years. She still has a beautiful thick accent.
Lilia also has 2 Chinese girls in her class. I met the moms tonight. It's so cool that everything around her is  so international. I hope that constantly being around other cultures, whether it's Chinese students from the ministry, her school or even our neighborhood, will cause her to be more well rounded.
After I left school I realized that Lilia needs a new school bag for the year. I really didn't want to get into the habit of buying a new one every year. It seems so wasteful. However, her one from last year is ripping and that won't due. She doesn't have another bag that goes over her shoulders so I quick stopped at Target to find one. I had zero luck. They were completely sold out. Big surprise right! Duh. Why did I wait so long? I did end my night with a laugh when I looked down at my shirt, after I checked out mind you, and saw that I still was wearing my "Cat in the Hat" name tag that read, "Katie (Lilia's mom)."

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