Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alex's cute quirks

Alex is so different from Lilia. One morning I was outside cleaning up leaves and he exclaims, "I want to help." So he proceeds to pick up leaves and put them in the trash bag.
Today I was putting the groceries away, while Alex was standing there watching for a minute. He them chimed in, "I want to help."
As you can see from the photo, whatever he took out of the grocery bags went right into the fridge. Frozen french fries to go with our turkey burgers are in front of the milk. Cereal boxes and triscuts are on the bottom ledge, and candy corn is being stuffed into the vegetable draw. I hardly think it counts as a vegetable, but we'll certainly add it to our diet.
I mentioned that Alex is so different from Lilia because for her to clean up anything is like pulling teeth. However for Alex to clean up anything, he gladly jumps in. In fact something he freely enjoys is dumping out the tub of Mr. Potato Head parts and then putting them back in. I'm not worried about this weird quirk. He's so friendly to anyone and everyone. He constantly says, "Hi man," to strangers that walk by, he gives excellent eye contact, and he's very outgoing. He just likes things neat and tidy like his mom.

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