Friday, March 30, 2012

Thanks Pei Wei

This week has been a rough week for me. I haven't been doing well emotionally, physically, etc. I haven't exercised in 2 weeks, which I'm sure makes a difference. I hadn't been getting a ton of sleep either. Every night this week I've been asleep by 10 because I can't keep my eyes open. Anyway, hope is on the horizon...the kids will be at my in-laws for the weekend, which means refreshment for me! (We are spoiled by our families!)
So last night it was Dave's turn to go to Bible study and I offered to bring the main dish. It was Chicken & Wild Rice casserole. I never tasted it, but I heard it was really good. I was way to exhausted to sit through some random dinner at home for me and the kids so off to Pei Wei it was!
It was actually quite perfect. Every one was well behaved and the service was so fast. We got there around 5:15; great time to eat dinner out with kids. The kids ate well, it's their favorite place. We had a some left overs which I packaged up to enjoy for lunch the next day.
On our way out to eat, I noticed a homeless man just off of Belmont. On the way home I was looking through my purse to see if I had any granola bars to give him, but nothing was there. So I made a quick turn and rolled down my window. I handed the grungy man our Pei Wei left overs and he was ever so grateful.
As we pulled away this led into a big discussion with Lilia about was just happened. She thought it was nice that we gave the man our food. She said to me, "We should have invited him to our house for a place to stay." I love her heart!!! (Don't worry, we would never do that!) I did explain why that wouldn't be a good idea. We also talked about ways we could love and provide for homeless people as we see them around the city. We decided on keeping a granola bar and a water bottle in the car for when we see someone in need. She loved the idea. It was such a great opportunity for her to experience the hardships of the world, yet see how as Christ's ambassadors we can step in and help.

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