Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's getting worse

Yesterday was complete chaos!!! Our morning was fairly good, I got Lilia some lunch, but I didn't have a chance to eat. I got her upstairs for her alone time, which leads to a nap. So I put her up in her room, read a little and went downstairs to heat up some leftover soup. It was finished and I was just sitting down to eat when I hear, "Mom! Mom!"
I go upstairs to find that Lilia has taken off her diaper...and pooped on her floor!!!!!!!!! I didn't yell at her, I was able to keep my cool. I ran her to the bathroom where she soon after peed on the floor. I cleaned her up, cleaned up the floor and explained that we can only poop in our diapers or on the potty.
After that craziness was over I was able to eat lunch and start over with her alone time. She ended up napping for at least 2 hours. Alex had a good feeding so I could nap and rest on the couch and spend some time with God.