Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The craziness ensues

Last night Lilia came into our room at 2:40 am saying she couldn't sleep. She's never done that before. Dave went into her room with her to sleep in her bed. (So thankful we have a full size bed for her!)
I woke up around 3:30 to feed Alex. After he was done I peeked in on Lilia and Dave and Lilia was sitting up in bed playing with her favorite Cinderella barbie that Ava Manni gave her. Dave was zonked out next to her. I told her to come down stairs with me while I still had Alex.
She was super pleasant and played with her farm for about an hour while I got Alex calm and back to sleep. We went back up to bed at 5 and I slept with her this time. I told her a story and then fell asleep. I guess she fell asleep not too long after that.
Thankfully she woke up at 9:15. Alex had a good morning feeding and went right back to sleep. Dave and I enjoyed a quite breakfast and some nice down time.
For as odd of a night as it was, it wasn't too bad!