Thursday, February 12, 2009

Make a mountain out of a molehill

I can be so crazy! I was so fearful of starting up with learning the language again. I really was upset about and was very object to the idea of it. Towards the end, just before family came my brain was getting overwhelmed and over-worked! Over the break I really didn't study. I turned off every part of my brain. Plus I was never a studier in the first place. I'm a crammer.
Then Tuesday came around and I thought I was going to disappoint my teacher, but he was totally ok with it! Then things went well and I remembered more than I thought I would. It really wasn't so bad. So I am continuing on with my studies. Slow and study.
Oh, did I tell you that Dave is so smart, plus he is good at learning the language AND he WANTS TO study! Crazy! So that works against me. (Again this is all in my crazy mind...)