Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cultural Ways Asia Is Different From America

1. We use forks, they use chopsticks.
2. They use a squatty, we use a toilet. (you can google this if you are unfamiliar)
3. Main mode of transportation in Asia is a bike, ours is a car.
4. Main food staple here is rice, ours is bread.
5. In the winter Asians don't generally drink cold beverages. They drink them at room temp or warm. We on the other hand love a cold beverage all year long!
6. Asians wear lots and lots of layers everyday from October to April (including long underwear). We only wear a lot of layers when we are going skiing or watching the Christmas parade.
7. Generally in Asia the parents work full-time while the grandparents take care of the grandchild. Mind you they all live together. In America we value a stay-at-home mom or day care.