Monday, February 16, 2009

A cold, ear infection and pink eye!

Lilia's had a cold for about a week now. I got lucky and now I'm sick. It's hitting me pretty hard. Today she started to develop pink eye so we went to the doctor's office. He checked in her ears and saw that she has an ear infection. There was one night that she woke up crying and it seemed painful for her to lay down. We gave her tylenol and she was able to go to sleep. She was totally fine the next morning.
The doctor we saw was amazing. He let her listen to his heart with the stethoscope. He also let her put the cap on the ear thingy. He gave her a tongue depressor and she loved it. It was a great experience. So we have 3 medications and hopefully everything will clear up!
All in all she's in good spirits. We are so blessed!