Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sweet times with friends

 On our way home from Colorado, we stopped in Eddyville, KY to spend time with one of our best friends - Kyle & Emily and their three kids. They serve long-term overseas as missionaries and are home for a 6 month furlough.
We hadn't seen them in 3 years, and we never met Aubrey, their youngest. (Aubrey and Lilia are riding the car pictured right.)
Kyle's parents retired and bought a beautiful lake house that sleeps plenty. We stayed with them for 2 days then drove home Wednesday evening.
 The guys headed out into the woods to shoot some cans with Kyle's dad's gun collection.
 This is Sydney and Lilia. Sydney is 7 months older than Lilia, but they have known each other since they were less than one year old. They connected immediately. Lilia taught Sydney about "BFF's."
I overheard Sydney ask Lilia, "How do you spell best friend?"
Lilia said, "BFF."
Silly boys

 Alex and Stephen are only 5 months apart and were so similar. They both had a stuffed animal they needed to be with/sleep with. They both love super heros and get cranky when they don't eat. Both nights they shared a bed.
Alex loved all the super hero costumes he could dress up in. He wore Captain America for better part of the day.

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