Monday, November 5, 2012

Treating the Neighbors

 We were getting out of the car the day before Halloween when we saw our neighbor Kim and her son Joshua (4yrs old).
We got around to talking about Halloween plans and I mentioned how we go trick-or-treating at designated houses after a parade over by Clark park. She is due any day with her 2nd child and that sounded like a better plan than walking around our neighborhood hoping people are giving out candy.
So Josh came with us dressed up as the 1st black doctor to do open heart surgery. (I forget his name.)
We ran into most of our friends in the neighborhood since it's the best way to trick-or-treat around here.
The 2 other girls are classmates of Lilia's from Spruce Hill. Maggie & Wes (Alice & Tweedle Dee) as well as their parents are a new family in town and they have quickly become our new best friends.
Alex did not want to participate in the picture.