Saturday, May 21, 2011

A huge choice. I need your help.

Help. I need help. School. Lilia and Alex need to go to school.
Philadelphia elementary schools are horrific. I am not exaggerating.
I think since we've moved here I've been praying about where Lilia will go to school, and inevitably Alex. Here are some of our options...
Samuel Powell School, 38th & Powelton (close by, but large class size, but her best friend might go there)
Greenfield, 23rd or 22nd and Spruce (touring it on Wednesday)
Russell Byers Charter School, 19th & Arch (I just looked at their website and it seems to fit our desires and values, but we haven't toured it. Plus there is a lottery system to get it with a huge waiting list.)
I am giving you all of these details, as my reader, to ask for your help. If you are not someone who prays, I would love your input and opinions about this if you have any, especially if you're a teacher. If you are someone who prays; please pray for us. (Also please give me your input and opinions.) Pray for direction, wisdom and clarity in the decision. We have to make a choice by this coming fall, probably October. This is a huge decision. The charter school goes through 6th grade and the Powell school goes through 4th. That's a big chunk of time and it's setting the foundations. BTW...homeschooling would not be a good option with Lilia nor Alex.
Thanks readers. I expect to hear from you! (email me or leave a comment)


  1. I would say a charter school might be your best bet. I know here in NC a charter school is as close to private school you can get without paying for school. Most of the time there are smaller classes and don't get caught up in the politicalness of a regular public school. There are usually long waits though for the charter schools so get on the list!! Plus, most charters will automatically allow the sibling in once they are old enough for school without waiting through the lottery process.

  2. Hi, Katie, I am fan of your blog and I am a coworker at UCCCC church where Dave works with students. I am facing the same dillema. I am from China and did not know the education system well and I did not know about these two options at all. I am considering sending my kids to Spruce Hill Christian School which is a private school but the tuition is much cheaper than the other private schools and it is between 5K and 6K per kid. I heard Penn Alexander was not bad before 5th grade. Is it an option? --Dawei
