Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Long ago

I can't sleep. I think I had tea too late.
I was laying in bed and a picture jogged my memory. It's not this one, but it's one of Dave and I in Thailand. Thailand is where Dave proposed. It was during his first STINT year to East Asia.
He had set things up so well. A fire and fondue chocolate on our on private beach. We exchanged Christmas presents. It was Feb, but we hadn't seen each other since August. The last present Dave gave me was a Bible with my new name engraved in the lower right hand corner; Katie Brindley. I looked down at it and teared up. That's when he got down on one knee and asked me to be his bride. It was so beautiful and so perfect.
After some more days together in Thailand I had to get on a plane and fly 20+ hours home...alone. I had almost missed my flight because we didn't want to say good bye. I was actually running down the hall to the gate. That only added to the emotions of it all. I remember I had a window seat. I remember resting my head against it and crying, missing Dave so much and knowing we wouldn't see each other until July.
Today we celebrated 8 incredible years together. I don't regret a singe day with Dave Brindley. I love him more now than I did when we first started. I understand better, but not well, how to love. Selflessly, though not done always. Respectfully, I try to remember to do that. But Dave, Dave loves me really well. I am so grateful to God.


  1. Katie Brindley, i love you. You are a wonderful wife...and a great mom, too! i miss you. i miss your heart. i love this post. Congrats on 8 years!!!! Love, Julia :)

  2. Congrats on 8 years...where has the time gone...sweet memories I remember this like it was only yesterday..
    hope you all had a wonderful day!

  3. Katie... love the way you love Dave. You are a great friend, and the two of you set a beautiful example of what marriage should be. Congrats on 8 years! Love ya

