Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Traffic...the consistent stop and go

We ventured to a part of town that is pretty far away to buy some suveniers. It's a total tourist part of town. Probably the most white faces you'll see in one spot outside of Starbucks! We deceded to leave around 5:30, without eating dinner first. The traffic wasn't the worst we've been in, but it was slow. Poor Lilia was sitting on Dave's lap when she got that look on her face and I knew what was coming...
All over Dave's shirt, shorts, my dress and herself, Lilia threw up! The poor girl! It just kept coming. The driver handed us a couple of tissues. I initially said a sarcastic, "Thanks," but I realized that was a nice gesture. We stripped Lilia down to her diaper and Dave took off his shirt for the rest of the ride. It was quite a scene as we got out of the taxi and walked into our building. People normally stare at us so I didn't feel out of place.