Saturday, April 4, 2009

Winnie The Pooh

Lilia has a new interest. Don't get me wrong, she still talks about Finding Nemo everyday!
We were shopping at Carrfoure this week and she started talking about Winnie the Pooh. So I decided to find something for her. We found a DVD, a legitimate one, and came home and watched it. She's asked for it almost everyday since Thursday when we bought it.
This morning was like every morning...Dave or Lilia is up first. This morning it was Dave. I was laying in bed eating my toast and drinking my water so I don't get sick. After about 1/2 hour after she was up she came in our room and said, "Mommy get out of bed. Can I help you? Lai ba." (Lai ba means come on.) Dave got up and she had the TV on and Winnie The Pooh in the dvd player, it was all ready to go! She was stuck at a menu and needed our help. We can't help but laugh at this girl!