Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So last night we walked to get bikes at the bike shop. It used to be that the majority of the people in our city rode a bike to get where they're going. Now we are seeing people driving their own cars more and more. And these cars aren't just any cars. I'm talking all foreign brands. In fact I saw someone driving a Lexus SUV the other day! This is becoming a very wealthy city.
Anyway, so we get bikes and the man attaches a seat on the back for Lilia. Well we ride home through a university because it's quieter than the street. Lilia is in her glory. She LOVES riding on the back of my (Katie's) bike. This morning we biked to a foreigners grocery store about 10 min each way. Once we got back home she wanted to ride some more.
This morning I also discovered a local "grocery store" that had so many western things. It's a little smaller than an Eckard. They sold lots of great local things I needed, plus they have peanut butter, diapers and brown sugar.
We are really enjoying it here!