Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter renewed

Lilia couldn't wait to dye Easter eggs. To be honest I love creating fun colors and patterns myself. Some things we just never grow out of.
Anyway, I came up with an Easter plan this year. Some of my favorite memories growing are coming down stairs to an Easter basket full of goodies and going on an Easter egg hunt at my Nannie and Poppop's house with all my cousins.
So here's the plan...Yesterday we talked about Jesus dying on the cross and we made a diorama in a shoebox of hills with Jesus' body on a cross. (The cross was made with sticks and the body was a silhouette cut out printed from an image online.)
We also made a shoebox diorama of Jesus' body in the tomb. Tomorrow morning the kids will come down to see the "tomb" empty. Then they will go on an egg hunt that will eventually lead them to their Easter baskets and Jesus' resurrected body; "Jesus is alive!"
I'm excited to keep the fun worldly traditions that I grew up with, but incorporate the heart and meaning behind it all.

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