Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Too High

I am a huge analyzer. I mean HUGE! I analyze everything. I love knowing what makes people tick. I love to analyze myself too. Tonight I come up with a new discovery about myself. I came to the conclusion that it could be a self-destructive thing. So...he it goes...
High Expectations.
I don't just mean High, I mean REALLY HIGH Expectations. I know that's why my year in Asia was so difficult for me. I remember while I was student teaching I had an amazing co-operating teacher. She was the best. Well I gave myself the expectations to be as good as Miss Mckevitt. How could I have attained to that. She's been doing it for 10 years, me not even a month!
Now as a mom I have super high expectations for myself and for my kids and how they should act. I have a few influences in my life from the past and present of "super moms." These are moms that are naturally great at being a mom. I put expectations on myself to be like them. To be a "super mom". Now my parents would argue you to the grave that I'm a great mom, but they are partial, so they don't count (totally). Sorry mom & dad.
Anyway, that's not the point at all! The point is the dangerous road to which this will lead me. I will aways be disappointed. Always. I will be let down by anyone or anything I put high expectations on. So what do I do? How do I turn away from this road? I don't know.
The only thing I know is that I can fully put high expectations in Jesus because he already paid the penalty for me, but how do I live that out in my everyday life? How does that fact translate into this "super mom" thing?
To be contemplated...

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for sharing Katie...I am the same way...still pondering how it plays out with putting all my hope and expectation in the Lord and not myself and others...praying for you guys
