Tuesday, December 21, 2010


In preparation for Christmas I put out books for Lilia about Christmas to read at bedtime. Every night she chooses 2 books to read. We can't seem to get away from animals. This is not just animals in the story, but factual stories about animals. I have to limit them some nights. It's becoming an obsession.
Anyway, I told her last night how Christmas is coming up and we should read one of her stories. Well I got total rejection. "No, I don't want to read about Christmas. I don't like Christmas."
What she doesn't like is celebrating Jesus' birth. As not just a nominal Christian, but as truly a Christ follower (I try most days) this was heart breaking. I thought back to days on West Chester's campus when students would reject Jesus after hearing why he came to this earth. It's kind of like that old phrase, "Don't shoot the messenger." They aren't rejecting me, they are rejecting God.
That's how I had to interpret last night. I called Dave up b/c I wasn't sure what to do. Do I force it or let it go. We came to the conclusion that forcing it would only cause rebellion. My only option is prayer.
Maybe you're reading this and you aren't a Christian and you think I'm crazy, but it was really hard to have my 3 yr old daughter reject the God that I so humbly serve and follow.
If you are a Christian and you're reading this, would you quickly say a prayer for Lilia. Say one for Alex too. They are both strong-willed children. There are no guarantees that my children will become Christians. Pray for a softened heart and an openness to Jesus.
I know they are so young, but this is the time to set a firm foundation. Then later in life if they choose to rebel or not walk with God, I'll know I've done my part and will continue to do my part to pray.
Thank you.

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