Monday, December 21, 2009

If you're someone who prays, please pray for us. Alex is such a difficult baby. He has reflux, he can't tolerate me eating dairy, he's not a great sleeper during the day and at night he has a really hard time settling down. He falls in and out of sleep every night then finally settles down around midnight. The whole process involves him crying, feeding, falling asleep for a short while and waking again after like 20min or so. It is really wearing Dave and I down. We just can't do it anymore, but there seems no end in sight. We're both so tired.
At night I'm usually the one that has to be with Alex b/c I supply his food. I'm so exhausted that I'm angry with him and angry with God that he won't go to sleep and stay asleep. Please pray that Alex would be able to go to sleep earlier every night. Pray that Dave and I would have patience with him and that God would give us the strength to persevere.
Thank you.

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