Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We're Buying A House!!!

I can't believe it! God has really just dropped this on our lap. We had been in Philly about a month ago and so we asked a realtor to show us a few places. We wanted to see what our money could buy. Well the 4th house we looked at we fell in love with. The inside is beautiful! The price was right, but it wasn't selling. The reason was the location. It's right on Chestnut & 50th.
It turns out that the neighbor and us have a mutual friend. We got the neighbors number and called her up. She invited us in and we talked with her for an hour asking her every question we could think of.
They are a Christian couple with a 1 yr old son. We couldn't believe it. God didn't have to do that, but it's awesome! So they've lived there for 2 years and have loved it. So talking with her helped us in our decision.
We prayed about it, thought about it and talked it over with people we trust. We put a bid in and it's been accepted. We already had an inspector come through and the seller has agreed to fixing up some of the problem spots. If all continues to go well, we settle on August 27th!
We chose to live in Philly because we are going to be working with international students at UPenn & Drexel. A part of that is having them in your home for meals and social times. We wanted to be close enough to school so the shuttle can drop them off.
We'll put pictures up eventually. Right now we don't have any. They got deleted off the camera by mistake.
In moving in all we have to do is paint! The whole place was gutted and redone from top to bottom. It's so beautiful! Hardwood floors all downstairs and new carpeting upstairs. It's 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The kitchen is brand new with all new appliances! We finally will have a dishwasher after 5 1/2 years!
Anyway, we are really thrilled. Thanks so much God for providing for us!