Friday, July 3, 2009

You just gotta laugh!

Yesterday morning was one of those times when your toddler is alone for a few minutes and it's quiet upstairs. Meanwhile, you're downstairs eating something because you're starving. You call for your toddler to come down. (Usually they come right down.) When there is no response, you know to run up the stairs because they are into some trouble!
So Dave goes up and I hear him say, "Oh No!" There was some laughter to his voice so I didn't jump out of my seat. I yelled up, "Is it bad?" He responded with, "You gotta see this."
Lilia had gotten a hold of a black sharpie and went to town...on her body. Please see the pictures below.

By the way, our initial response was sheer laughter, followed by, "Quick get the camera."