Thursday, June 4, 2009

We are making it...barely!

Today is day 3 and the adrenaline is starting to wear off as the sleep deprivation kicks in. If Dave and I didn't have Lilia we would be golden, but since we have a daughter who is on the opposite schedule, we're hurting. Each night we get about 4 hours of sleep and take a short nap in the day. Lilia hasn't been sleeping more than 5 hours at a time. When she's up, she's UP and ready to start her day with a full blast of energy. I know this is normal, but it's super challenging! My parents have been amazing though. They've done so much for us.
Our luggage came the next day. It was really fun to go through everything and see all the fun things we've bought over the year. We are slowly catching up with some friends and family. It's really nice to reconnect!!