Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So how did today end???

Lilia and I finally got outside around 2ish. I pushed her in the stroller because I know if she's tired enough she'll sleep. Well it worked and she slept for an hour! I'm a bit pooped though.
Once she woke up we went to the playground where she burned lots more energy. I'd like to say that's relaxing for me, but it's "Why did you push her," and "Get that out of your mouth."
Then the ever dreaded dinner!!! I made a simple meal of spaghetti, bread & salad. Lilia does prefer raw veggies over cooked, so that was in my favor. Or so you'd think.
She pushed away the bowl of spaghetti & the bowl of salad. She had some bites of bread. We tried everything to get her to eat...coaxing her, encouraging her, feeding her on my lap, ignoring her, but NOTHING worked!!! It's SO frustrating being a parent of a toddler.
Finally I made her a smoothie and she drank most of that. I just prayed that God would sustain her through the early morning so we wouldn't have to do today all over again tomorrow.

CALLING ALL MOMS OF TODDLERS: If you have any advice or encouragement, Dave and I would really appreciate it!!! She only loves peanut butter and yogurt. Email me at