Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1st Day of Kindergarten


Today was Lilia's first day of school. There was no nervousness, only excitement on her part and mine. God has brought every piece of this school together in such a perfect way. He brought in all the finances to pay for the year. We used to go to church (City Church) at Spruce Hill before we rented space from the church we are at now (47th & Cedar). Lilia remembered the Kindergarten room as the Sunday school classroom.
God also brought in a friend for Lilia. It's a girl named Maggie. They live in the neighborhood and they are an incredible family that I can see us being friends with for a long time.
Today the first half of the alphabet went, tomorrow the second half will go, and Friday the whole class will go. Each day is for 2 hours. Next week they start their schedule of 8:15-3:15.
During the two hour window today, the principal did an orientation for the parents. I am SOOOO impressed with this school and the administration. It's such a nurturing environment where they truly care for the students. I'm really excited for Lilia's school year. She already can't wait to go back on Friday!

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