Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mouse. House. Mouse in House.

So we live in the city and I guess it's inevitable...we have a mouse in the house! My friends have talked of mice in their house.
Lilia is great in these situations. She keeps reminding me that God is bigger and God is stronger. Her plan for the mouse is as follows, "Let's put on a mean face and then the mouse would be scared."
This for me is terrifying. Dave is away all day working; visiting another church and then meeting up with someone in West Chester where there is an East Asia connection. Oh boy, what to do???

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie...we live in the country and we get them all the time too....just get some mouse traps and you will eventually get the mouse...check your kitchen it is amazing the places they get into and leave us little is disturbing...but such is sorry that they got into your house....hope you can get rid of them sooner then later...we have one right now and have not caught them...
