Sunday, January 31, 2010
Can you place Uzbekistan on a map???
We just had a really neat friend over for dinner tonight. He met us at church and then we invited him over for dinner. (Good thing Dave straightened up the house today!) He is a Christian from Uzbekistan and he is also a religious refugee. He has been beaten up for his faith. He came to America a year ago as a way of escaping. His name is Sean and we really enjoyed his company.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
If you love I have a place for you.
Have you heard of Max Brenner? Last night my friends and I went downtown to Max Brenner, a restaurant specializing in chocolate. You walk in and are hit with the pleasant aroma of chocolate. They serve dinner, but they do dessert well. The presentation is amazing and the desserts are richly decadent! Only 2 out of 12 of us finished their desserts. They are just that rich and delicious!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Healthy Eater
Lilia was dipping fresh spinach in dressing as part of her dinner last night and her lunch again today. What a weird, yet wonderful kid!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Crack up
The other night Lilia was cracking me up...we were at Bible study and there was no babysitter so she was hanging out with us. She found some object that was circular and I guess it reminded her of a stethoscope. She put it up to my shoulder and whispered, "I can hear your heart beep." I laughed out loud and she said it again. I laughed louder; I just couldn't hold it in.
I heart Philly
Living in Philly rocks! This week we went to the Academy of Natural Sciences (The Dinosaur Museum) and to the Please Touch Museum. We got passes to the PTM & The Zoo for Christmas. All of these places are like 5 minutes from our house. It's so cool to have access to such great places to explore. Ordinarily we would never drive into the city to do these things.
The Green Line
Dave and I go to this cafe called the Green Line. It's got great tea and latte's. There are these older men who come and sit around, drink coffee and talk. They are from another country; I'm not sure where though.
I really miss being around international people. It feels so good to hear the conversations of others, even when I can't understand what they are saying.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Beautiful day
Today was really nice outside so we went for a family walk along Kelly Drive. There were so many people out walking/running/biking. We saw this one woman exercising in Ugg boots. Seriously, who in the world exercises in Uggs??? Maybe she was wearing their new line...Ugg Sport. (Don't bother googling it, I was kidding!)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ava Manni's 4th Birthday
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Alex has been going to bed at a reasonable time lately; 9pm! Thank you for all who are praying...keep praying!!!
He's still not a good napper, but I'll take him sleeping somewhat well at night. He wakes up twice at night.
We've gone to all formula b/c he was refusing to eat from me and I was having to pump. It wasn't just having to pump, it was also his sensitivity to so many foods. I had to give up dairy before Thanksgiving. Then about 3 weeks ago I had to give up nuts and eggs. (What's left to eat??????) Believe me I was hungry all the time! Anyway, for about a week now he's on soy formula. He's doing ok, but not much better. He's just a difficult kid, not very content. At least when he's happy you can really get him to smile and laugh! I LOVE that about him!
Lilia did great potty training on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were a different story. We've given up. She is not interested. She doesn't want to go on the potty. All I can say is I tried and she did great. Not sure why she isn't ready, but we'll try again when she is. No big deal!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Potty training
We are working on potty training today. So far we are 3/6. Not too bad. The first time she made it into the potty I told her I was so proud. Her face lit up.
Later Lilia said, "Mom I'm so proud of you."
"For what?" I asked.
"For using the potty," she replied.
Oh wow, she just pooped in the potty!!!!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Who does he look like?

Lilia 4 months
People would always ask us who Alex looks like. Our response was, "I don't know." He didn't resemble anyone. Lilia on the other hand was a Brindley from day one and she still is to this day. Yesterday Lilia and I were looking through her pics when I stumbled across this one of her. It looks just like Alex! So there you have it; he looks like his sister. Although, he does have a look of his own. He doesn't stand out as a Brindley like Lilia did.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What a load of crap!
"When love dies, and that's the only thing that holds you together, there is nothing to keep the marriage intact." -Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of "Eat, Pray, Love"
Dave had this page up on CNN's website. I thought I would read through the article and see what it was about. When I read this quote it made me so mad. I very firmly believe that love is a choice. Yes I do believe that you can/do fall in love, but after the newness of it fades away what's left? (Divorce for the average American...Christian and non.) Marriage is the choice to serve and forgive your spouse, especially when you don't want to. It's the choice to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's the choice to still go on adventures and create memories together. It's also the choice to not withhold sex from your spouse. This is what's called love.
My opinion of this is based on the Bible. If God stopped loving us, we'd be in some serious trouble!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Why oh why?
Ah, we're back in Philly. The land of people and places and things to do. (Compared to Dublin, PA) No offense mom & dad! Lilia loved staying with her Nannie and Poppy, but she was ready to come home after a weeks stay. She's in bed by 9 and what do you know...2:30am rolls around and BOTH the kids are up. Luckily Alex just wants to eat and go right back to sleep. I don't even think his eyes opened once.
Lilia on the other hand, well she's up...for the whole night. Dave slept in her bed with her for an hour. He slept, she didn't. Then around 3:30 I heard her again. I went in and asked her if she wanted to sleep in my bed w/me. She agreed. She didn't sleep at all. By 4:07 she wanted to go down stairs. She kept saying she wasn't tired.
Dave put a movie on for her and came back up to bed. Finally at 5:30am she called for Dave (YES! It isn't me!) I got up at 7 to feed Alex again and to relieve Dave. He then went back to sleep.
My only theory is that she was so excited to be back and to play with her toys.
Friday, January 1, 2010
It Gotta be a growth spurt
We've had a really troublesome week. I'm glad I was with my parents so they could help. I've been having to pump most of the week for him b/c he won't eat from me. Anyway, tonight he ate at 4:30 4 1/2oz. Then at 7:30 3oz and then at 9:30 another 4oz. I have to supplement with formula b/c I don't have a back supply of milk. Can you believe how much this kid is eating?! Unbelievable. We'll see how the next couple of days go and how often he eats. He's up to 12lb 1oz as of Wed.
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